Euphoric Traveling and Online/Offline Businesses

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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
As a full time Internet Marketer, Regional Coach And Attraction Marketing Strategist I used 'Attraction Marketing' taught by IM Superstar Mike Dillard. Earning online income is pretty easy and simple BUT building an Internet Business requires more than just pitching your online opportunities (where people don't care less). You MUST also provide values to others. Your success is best measured by the right product and tools given to them to ensure their success!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Top Internet Success Formula

Hi Blogger/Internet Marketer,

We are just about ready for 2010 aren't we? I am reminded again, of Henry Ford's often quoted wisdom:
"If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right."

As you add the next touches to your this year written plan, I encourage you to think "I can do this" and spend a few moments seeing "the doing" and "achieving" that dream.

Then invest a few more moments thinking how doing and achieving this dream will fulfill the reason you are doing it in the first place.

It all starts with a dream, something you want to be, do, or have. It continues with thought. Why is it important to me? What do I do? What do I need to learn? Who can help me? How do I do it?

Then action...then review: Did it work out like I thought it would? How can I do it better?

Finally...celebrate the little successes. The things that worked-recognize them, write them down, applaud them. Take a few moments and bask in the successful work you did.

Like roots nourish a strong, growing tree, these roots will nourish a strong, growing you and your business this year. In review:

Root 1: A dream, something you want to be, do, or have.
Root 2: Think you can do it. (Key words are do, learn, help, how.)
Root 3: Why is this dream important to you? Your why(s) will keep you going.
Root 4: Take action. Do something toward your dream everyday.
Root 5: Review your action(s) and results. Plan the next action.
Root 6: Celebrate your little successes.
Remember, "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right."

Here's the deal. Look at the possibilities for you. After you watch the 7 videos, I encourage you to think what this can do for you. You can do it. Not overnight. Any new knowledge has a learning curve associated with it. It isn't necessary to stop what you are doing now. Learn to add another stream of income. I am one of the "Who can help me?" There is a whole team of us. We can help you. Communicate your dreams and let's work together. My email is: Put in the subject line "You can help me". My phone number is +60356363600 (soho)and +6012-2258210 (sohom)(*m is for mobile). If I don't answer, please leave a message; I'll get back to you and your dream.

Now the link: and earn extra cash here.
Copy and paste in your browser). Fill in the your details and watch the 1st Video for FREE. And remember: "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." You have nothing to lose except your time.

So, WELCOME to my Blog.

First of all, I want you to know that I'm not a superstar. In fact, I'm just a regular guy who managed to finally get out of the corporate rat race on other businesses and team up with the right leaders and really figured it all out.

So I have put together this bit and pieces in this Blog because I want to help those of you who are stuck in the same position as I was before. I want to show you a way to run your home business effectively, so that you won't be wasting your efforts and eventually failing, leaving you with a horrible taste in your mouth and angry at the Network Marketing industry. It's not the's us!

So, the first golden nugget that you need to take away from this Blog is:
"It is not WHAT you sell, it is HOW you sell it". Period!

And I was taught something called "Attraction Marketing" from all my team members. You see, you want people to come to you. You don't want to be chasing other people. And once you understand this concept, you will be able to build your company on autopilot, WITHOUT chasing friends and family, making cold calls, buying leads and using other traditional methods of marketing.

If you are still using these old school methods, it is very likely that you will become one the 97% of network marketers who fail in this business.

Why? Because these methods are difficult to implement, have little reach and most
people don't like us doing this to them anyway.

Also, these old school methods teach you to pitch anyone and everyone you know and
meet. But if you are pitching every Tom, Dick and Harry on the street, how can you
expect to reach a qualified and interested audience?

Remember, its quality not quantity!

But what if you could have both? ;)

So, MLMLeadSystemPRO is designed to arm you with modern gorilla tactics that will put you on par with 3% of the industry who really know what they are doing!

The major problem that we as network marketers face today, is that people have become immune to information and sales pitches. Think about all the spam and junk
mail you receive on a daily basis. Or the solicitations that you get on the phone or at your home. People just switch off!

So with this iron wall of defense up, how are you suppose to get someone to join your business opportunity?

The only way that you can successfully sell to someone is when they trust you and find value in what you have to say and want more of what you offer.

You must be able to offer value and expertise people want. Because quality prospects don't join a business based on products or a compensation plan, they join because they have found a leader that has equal or greater value than themselves who they can learn and emulate success from.

So what you need is some basic marketing education, a little bit of trial and error, and a sound marketing plan that includes paid advertisements and free/low cost web 2.0 strategies, and you are on your way to play with the big boys.

If you don't have a system of marketing your business on the internet, which is
absolutely essential in this business if you want to have any type of success, then make sure you get one now here:

It is the only fully customizable lead generation system on the Net that allows you to integrate your own opportunity on the back end while generating over 14 streams of upfront income through a cleverly constructed funded proposal system.

To understand how this all fits together and to see why its so important to have a
system in place to organize your business, make sure you watch this video I put

Believe me when I say you have never seen anything like this before.

Now, let's go back to my 1st link after the 6 roots above.


Let's talk about why this is so important in the network marketing industry for a minute:

Traditionally, we are taught to only promote how great our company is, what kind of
miracles our products can do. And generally play the "mine is better than yours game".

Today, consumers are bombarded with countless ads and offers left right and center.

New MLM's and pre-launch opportunities. The newest and best wonder drug. Blah..blah...blah...You see, there are countless opportunities being offered out there. Within your company, there are hundreds and thousands of representatives selling the same thing. Just Google your product in whichever niche market you are in, and you will see hundreds of competitors pop up in the search results.

Put yourself in your prospect's shoes for a second. What would you think if you saw
another "Best Business On The Planet" Ad? or "Join X Company Now"? wouldn't care at all! And you wouldn't even give it a second look.

Well that's exactly what is happening in the market place right now! And hundreds and thousands of people are making the mistake of marketing this way! This is your time to capitalize!

So what do I market?

There may be thousands of other companies, and thousands of other products out there, but there is only one of YOU!

You must position yourself as a leader and an expert. 97% of the market place is NOT doing this, and that's why YOU have to raise your hand, stand out and add value
instead of being a peddler just like everyone else.

This is a people business. Always has been and always will be.

People join other people. Not companies! So start marketing YOU! Another reason why you want to be marketing yourself and NOT your business opportunity is because it can seriously reduce the attrition rate in your organization.

You see, the only asset you have in this business really, is the list of prospects and team members that you build over time. You don't really own any stake in your MLM business. And believe me when I say that network marketing companies can change
the rules, anytime they want.

So if you want to create a real business, it has to be something that is built around yourself.

It has to come to a point where your team is willing to follow you to whatever company you decide to move to. And once you have built up your "You Inc." brand and have gained the trust of your team members, they will follow you to the death!

In order to successfully brand yourself, you must have something of value to offer.
The best thing you can do to increase the value in others is to first increase the value in yourself. Educate yourself with materials that are valuable to others but few are willing to acquire. You don't need to be a 10 year veteran to be considered valuable. You are automatically valuable if you know just one thing that others don't. Just ONE thing.

So the next time you go out there and prospect for your business, don't just blatantly pitch your business opportunity and beat people over the head with it. Give value and solutions that people can take away regardless if they join you or not.

You will continue to struggle in growing your downline if you continue to pitch your opportunity right from the get go. MLMLeadsystemPRO is the system I personally use to brand myself and it will show you how to master the "You Inc." concept.

It allows you to brand yourself and your primary company as the number one obvious
choice. If you want to experience the joy of having prospects call you in a matter of weeks after applying this system, then this is for your you!

Setup your own Attraction Marketing system that will fully brand you and your business opportunity here!An all the more reasons why I highly recommend a copy of Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring which is THE text book for "Attraction Marketing" to develop a magnetic personality that will attract endless leads and reps into your business.

If you haven't heard of Mike Dillard, he is a legend in this industry and went from waiting tables to millionaire status and superstar in less than 18 months.

The link again..drum roll please... and claim your FREE 7 videos. Don't take my words. After you have in your possession THEE BOOK on Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring, you will definitely be inspired and you will be looking at internet marketing from a very different perspective. It really separates the boys from the men, so to speak!!! Oh boy...

1 comment:

Linus Ruzicka said...

Well, MLM Lead System Pro (MLSP) is exactly what you stated here - and then some.

Being one of the original members of MLM Lead System Pro when it launched back in July of 2008, I have been with this system for over 1 year.

There is a reason for that - the system delivers.

Yes, you have to work. No - it is not a get rich quick scheme.

But it is a great online tool for you to use to help build your current primary business!

Here is my blog post that answers a lot of questions on

~ Linus Ruzicka


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